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IAA Basic Science Book Award
The Basic Science Book Award is given annually by International Academy of Astronautic to recognize excellence in publication made by a member or a corresponding member of the Academy in the fields related to basic science.
2016 Novosyadlyj Bohdan, Pelykh Volodymyr, Shtanov Yuri, Zhuk Alexander (Vol1), Shulga Valery, Zhdanov Valery, Alexandrov Alexander, Berczik Peter, Pavlenko Elena, Pavlenko Yakiv, Pilyugin Leonid, Tsvetkova Viktoria (Vol2), Vavilova Irina, Bolotin Yuri, Boyarsky Aleksej, Danevich Fedor, Kobychev Vyacheslav,Tretyak Volodymyr, Babyk Iuri, Iakubovskyi Dmytro, Hnatyk Bohdan, Sergeev Sergej (Vol 3) "Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the Universe" (in three volumes) Publishing House "Akademperiodyka", Ukraine, 2013 (Vol1), 2014 (Vol2), 2015 (Vol3)