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Семінар відділу ФСПС

У вівторок, 26 вересня 2017 р., та в четвер, 28 вересня 2017, відбудуться чергові засідання семінару відділу Фізики субзоряних та планетних систем, в якому приймають участь колеги з Астрономічного інституту Словацької АН, м.Татранська Ломниця:
вівторок, 26 вересня
Dr. Theodor Pribulla:
- "Observing facilities at Stellar department of AI SAS" Recent instrumentation upgrade at the Skalnaté Pleso and Stará Lesná observatories of the Astronomical institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is presented. This includes a new remotely-controlled 1.3m Nasmyth-Cassegrain telescope at the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory with several focal instruments (high-resolution échelle spectrograph, NIR CCD camera and two large-frame visual CCD cameras) as well as new focal instruments for existing 60cm telescopes (back-illuminated CCD, a new medium-resolution échelle spectrograph). Current and planned observational projects and first results are presented.
- Dr. Drahomir Chochol
"Recent outburst of the classical Nova Scuti 2017"
четвер, 28 вересня
Dr. Zoltan Garai
- "Light-curve analysis of KOI 2700b: the second extrasolar planet with a comet-like tail" The Kepler object KOI 2700b (KIC 8639908b) was discovered recently as the second exoplanet with a comet-like tail. It exhibits a distinctly asymmetric transit profile, likely indicative of the emission of dusty effluents and reminiscent of KIC 12557548b, the first exoplanet with a comet-like tail. We aim to verify the disintegrating-planet scenario of KOI 2700b by modeling its light curve and put constraints on various tail and planet properties, as was done in the case of KIC 12557548b. We obtained the phase-folded and binned transit light curve of KOI 2700b, which we subsequently iteratively modeled using the radiative-transfer code SHELLSPEC. We modeled the comet like tail as a part of ring around the parent star and we also included the solid body of the planet into the model. During the modeling we applied selected species and dust particle sizes. We confirmed the disintegrating planet scenario of KOI 2700b. Furthermore, via modeling, we derived some interesting features of KOI 2700b and its comet-like tail.
Dr. Jan Budaj:
- "Mysterious eclipses in the light curve of KIC8462852: a possible explanation" Apart from thousands of `regular' exoplanet candidates, Kepler satellite has discovered a few stars exhibiting peculiar eclipse-like events. They are most probably caused by disintegrating bodies transiting in front of the star. However, the nature of the bodies and obscuration events, such as those observed in KIC8462852, remain mysterious. A swarm of comets or artificial alien mega-structures have been proposed as an explanation for the latter object. We explore the possibility that such eclipses are caused by the dust clouds associated with massive parent bodies orbiting the host star. We used the numerical integration to simulate the evolution of the cloud, its parent body, and resulting light-curves as they orbit and transit the star. We found that it is possible to reproduce the basic features in the light-curve of KIC8462852 with only four objects enshrouded in dust clouds. This model provides an alternative to the comet scenario.
Початок -12.00, мала конференц-зала.
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