• Shu Q., Kouwenhoven M.B.N., Spurzem R., et al.Dynamical evolution of massless particles in star clusters with NBODY6++GPU- MASSLESS: I. Free-floating MLPs. 2025,A&A,Vol.693A,p.166 (10 pp.). 2025A&A...693A.166F





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Scientific and Technical Library

Pecheroga Natalia Head of Library nvpech(at)mao.kiev.ua
Vedenicheva Irina Librarian iv(at)mao.kiev.ua

The Observatory's Library contains more than 76.560 thousand printed books and journals (on January 1, 2025) with 21.274 thousand foreign languages items.

The Library fund is the universal documentary base for research and developments in natural and technical sciences. The Library stores books, journals, catalogues, documents on astronomy, astrophysics, physics, mechanics, optics, meteorology, computer sciences, etc.

The Library also has an e-catalogue of books and an e-card index of publications of scientists of the Observatory.

The famous  German astronomer scientist Prof. Klaus Jockers sent 57 copies of specialist books on astronomy from his private collection as a gift to the library of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This book collection of Dr. Klaus Jockers is available to all interested employees of the Observatory.

List of periodicals (renewing every Monday)